Big Walk 4 Refugees

To start the challenge
Get into teams
People per team
Kilometers to complete together
Days to complete it

A little more info

Welcome to our big virtual walk around Australia to show support for refugees! 

We're walking for 10,000 refugees who have been living in Australia for 10 years and are part of the community. But they remain in limbo because they do not have permanent visas. 

Can you help us achieve our goal of walking virtually all the way around Australia, from Hobart to Canberra, to show you care? 

Every step, pedal, or lap counts! So lace up, join a team, and show your support 💜

More information about the challenge, links to walks etc at

Helpful hints

Wanting to use the app on your phone?

  • Step 1 Download the iPhone or Android app on your phone.

  • Step 2 On the first screen input "bigwalk4refugees" when it asks for your challenge website address

  • Step 3 Sign in with the same e-mail address you registered with online, or create a new account if you don't already have one.

  • Step 4 Enjoy the challenge!